Sunday, June 6, 2010

Diaper Coupons - Keeping Uncomfortable Duties Cheap

I remember back before I had found out about best diaper coupons. Changing his diaper was one of the more uncomfortable experiences of being a new parent. On top of everything else, he was a less-than-fussy eater, and had a active bladder - certainly not the best combination in the world. I didn't even want to think about how much this cost! I thought I had to be guilty of some evil to have to change him so often!

Soon, I discovered diaper coupons. I love my son, but that doesn't mean I want to shell out more than I have to for his diapers. Having a baby is costly enough, but at least I could save a few dollars every time he decided to leave a goodnight gift.

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So now it's your opportunity to discover this. Wouldn't it be worth just a few minutes of searching to mean that you don't have to shell out top dollar for your baby's leavings? Only those few short moments could decide whether you pay as much as you possibly can to clean up your baby's leavings, or whether you can save whatever you can. You could put that money towards the new French vacation - or, let's be honest, your new child's college fund.

At least for me, it was a weight lifted off my shoulders. Myself, I agree with the old adage that a penny saved is a penny earned - I liked that I could actually do all I could to earn that little bit of cash, and maybe make the job a bit doable; handing the cashier that diaper coupon made me feel cleaner (which would soon be corrected by my baby boy!)

I've done my fair share of unpleasant jobs as a parent, but I'm just glad that I was able to save money doing one of the dirtiest of them, just saving a little bit doing that hideous chore - one I sadly got used to. After that, I stocked up on anything: baby powder coupons, formula coupons, from one to the other, I got all of them I could find. I might have gone insane without it, but at least I can afford that holiday in another fifteen years.

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